Our Work

The Foundation supports those people who have seen their lives completely change following a serious, catastrophic injury or illness.

By providing access to financial grants, our objective is to enable those people, and their families, to thrive and move forward in the best way possible.   

We will also support selected local community groups, registered charities, and schools each year, providing support and funding to improve the lives of those who need it most.

Who have we helped so far?

Paul and Debbie

Paul and Debbie were the Foundation’s first successful grant applicants after the launch in January 2023.

After a freak accident in which Paul pricked his toe, he then found himself having a below the knee amputation 8 weeks later. As the home was not accessible for Paul, it limited where he could go in his own home.

Dealing with his newfound circumstances and no compensation to help, Debbie, Paul’s wife applied to the Foundation on his behalf.

Watch the video to hear Debbie explain more about their situation and how the Foundation has supported the family.


By the time Sonny came to the Foundation, he had been playing wheel-chair rugby for a year and a half, using a chair on loan from the club.

The loan chair he used was far too big for him and was unsafe. In a training session, he had a bad crash with another player in which he hit the back of his head badly on the floor and knocked himself out cold. On top of the multiple disabilities and injurie, he now had a head injury to recover from.

Sonny applied to the Foundation for a made-to-measure wheel that would enable him to return safely to the sport he loves.

Fletchers Foundation and Frenkel Topping Foundation funded this piece of equipment jointly, and Sonny is now back playing for his team, which have had a great start to their season.

Helen Forbes

Meet Helen who obtained a spinal cord injury in 2021.

Helen successfully applied to us for an electric mobility scooter, that she has called Moira. 

Before receiving the electric mobility scooter, Helen was using a standard non-motorised chair which limited her ability to go out into the community. Helen lives at the bottom of a hill, which required approx. 110 pushes each time she wanted to go into to town. This caused her nerve damage in her arms and meant that some days she was stuck at home.

Watch the video to hear how Moira has changed Helen’s life.