Apply for Support

If you, a member of your family or service users of your organisation are living with the long-term effects of serious personal injury, medical negligence or due to illness (born with or acquired), you may qualify for support from Fletchers Foundation, and we’d love to hear from you.

You are eligible to apply for support if:

You or a member of your family are living with the long-term effects of serious personal injury, medical negligence, or illness.

You are a registered charity, school or local group working with individuals and families living with the long-term effects of serious personal injury, medical negligence, or illness.

Fletchers Foundation will consider requests for
funding towards:

Aids or equipment

Rehabilitation Therapies (physiotherapy/Hypdrotherapy/SLT/OTCBT, etc)


Counselling for the individual who is suffering from mental health issues because of the serious injury, medical negligence, or illness.

Group projects or events by registered charities, schools or local groups supporting those affected by serious injury, medical negligence, or illness. The project or event must be able to prove long-term impact.

We are unable to consider applications if:

The individual is eligible for any compensation award, in the process of claiming or has already received one.

The individual is financially able to support themselves, or their families can financially support them.

The individual is eligible for getting what they are asking for from the NHS (unless the NHS service or product is deemed to be unsuitable for the individual’s requirements or is not available in a suitable timeframe).

The individual doesn’t have at least one referee for the application form. Ideally this will be someone from the individual’s health team such as GP or physiotherapist, a local council representative such as social worker or housing, or a local professional that is not family.

The registered charity, school or local group can financially support the event or project themselves.

The registered charity, school or local group has (successfully or unsuccessfully) applied in the last 12 months.

We will not consider applications under any circumstance if:

The grant is going to promote/involve any religious or political aspects.

The grant is going to be paid into an individual applicant’s bank account (without an invoice, receipt, or proof of purchase).

The grant will pay for the registered charity, school, or local group’s ‘business as usual’ activity or to replace lost income.

The grant given is used by a registered charity, school, or local group to give out grants to their service users.

How much can you apply for:

Individuals can apply up to £10,000.

Local groups can apply up to £10,000.

Registered charities and schools will be decided on a case-by-case basis. The project or event must be in partnership, jointly branded and meet our eligibility criteria set out above.

How many times can you apply:

We will only support an individual or a project / event from a registered charity, school, or local group once every 12 months.

Please note there isn’t a limit on how many times a registered charity, school, or local group can signpost their services users to the foundation in a 12-month period. We will only support that individual once in a 12-month period, but there is no limit in how many individuals come from that registered charity, school, or local group (within reason).

What is needed with the application:

Please send the following supporting documentation to

For individuals applying - a supporting letter from a professional such as your GP, occupational therapist or physiotherapist that includes the following:

For individuals applying – a quote from the supplier showing what you’re applying for and the cost, without VAT.

The condition/injury.

How it was obtained and when.

The progress made so far.

How what you’re asking for will make an impact and how can this be measured.

Why it can’t be provided by local statutory services and/or yourselves.

For charity, school or local groups, we need the following:

Your legal number/status.

A fully costed project / event plan.

Evidence from participants that they have asked for this and need it.

A measurement framework to show the impact can be measured.

The relevant insurances such as public liability.

Please note:

We submit the applications and supporting documentation to the trustees on the last Friday of the month, and we aim to let you know within two weeks of that.

Fletchers Foundation will only donate funds within the U.K.

If you or someone you care for meets the eligibility criteria, please complete one of the below application forms to apply for a grant through Fletchers Foundation.

Please complete the Individual application form if you are hoping to support just one individual and/or their family.

If you are applying for funding to support a project with multiple beneficiaries, such as a group event or charity scheme, please complete a Project application form.

Apply now online

Download a copy

If you are downloading our form, please fill it in and send it to either:

Reece Hobson-Adams

Director of Fletchers Foundation 

c/o Fletchers Foundation 

34 Hoghton Street, Southport , PR9 0PU 

Or email a copy to: