About the
charitable foundation

Fletchers Foundation has been created by the Fletchers Group, a trading name of Fletchers Solicitors, to help individuals, their families and partner with community groups and charities to help individuals thrive after a serious injury, accident, or illness.

How we are supporting you

Fletchers Group supports its clients through the legal process that arises following a serious personal injury, accident, or illness. But there are many enquires that do not have a valid legal resolution – and it is these individuals the Foundation aims to support. 

We also partner with local community groups, registered charities, and schools to help individuals or groups of people.

Our objective is to enable as many people as possible to genuinely thrive following a life-changing injury or illness. For those left with a disability or cognitive behavioural needs, Fletchers Foundation will empower them to live their lives to the fullest.

These People Make It Happen

Our team is dedicated to help you after life-changing events.

Reece Hobson-Adams

Director of the Foundation

Professor Paul May


Adrian Denson


Richard Fraser


Irene Afful
